

開眼 ﹥電影 ﹥追龍Chasing the Dragon. 追龍Chasing the Dragon. 火爆動作鉅製《追 ... 影片年份:2017; 出 品 國:Hong Kong; 出品:Bona Film Group; 發 行 商:華映 ...

Chasing the Dragon (film)

Chasing the Dragon previously known as King of Drug Dealers, is a Hong Kong-Chinese action crime drama film directed by Wong Jing and Jason Kwan.

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Chasing the Dragon. Donnie Yen stars as infamous real-life drug kingpin ... 287IMDb 6.72 h 8 min2017. X-Ray16+. Action·Suspense·Bleak·Bold. Freevee (with ads).

Chasing the Dragon (2017)

An illegal immigrant from Mainland China sneaks into corrupt British-colonized Hong Kong in 1963, transforming himself into a ruthless and emerging drug ...


Chasing the Dragon is a Chinese crime drama film directed by Wong Jing and stars Donnie Yen and Andy Lau. When I first heard about the movie in production last ...

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In corrupt, British-colonized Hong Kong, a mainland Chinese immigrant rises to the top of the city's drug underworld with the help of a notorious cop.

Chasing the Dragon

Chasing the Dragon is a bombastic failure as a throwback to 90's gangster films, as a Donnie Yen acting showcase and worse, as a Wong Jing exploitation film.


《追龍》(英語:Chasing the Dragon)是一部2017年香港犯罪動作片,由王晶與關智耀合導,喻亢、元彬和嚴華任動作指導,甄子丹領銜主演;劉德華特別演出;鄭則士、 ...


開眼﹥電影﹥追龍ChasingtheDragon.追龍ChasingtheDragon.火爆動作鉅製《追...影片年份:2017;出品國:HongKong;出品:BonaFilmGroup;發行商:華映 ...,ChasingtheDragonpreviouslyknownasKingofDrugDealers,isaHongKong-ChineseactioncrimedramafilmdirectedbyWongJingandJasonKwan.,ChasingtheDragon.DonnieYenstarsasinfamousreal-lifedrugkingpin...287IMDb6.72h8min2017.X-Ray16+.Action·Suspense·Bleak·Bold.Freevee(wit...